Why do I need website security?
There are four main reasons why every website needs security.
- Hosting providers protect the server your website is on, not the website itself. You can think of the website-host relationship like an apartment building: management provides security for the whole building, but it’s up to each occupant to lock their door.
- It’s cheaper than a cyberattack. Cyberattacks can cost small businesses as much as $427 per minute of downtime – by contrast, SiteLock customers pay an average of $1-2 per day for website security.
- You’ll protect your reputation and retain visitors and/or customers. Studies show that 65 percent of customers who have had their information stolen by a compromised website won’t return to that site – that’s a devastating number of visitors to lose, especially for a small business or website.
- Malware and cyberattacks can be hard to spot. Cybercriminals specialize in malware that can discreetly enter a site and stay hidden, so your website might be infected and you may not realize it. Some sneaky malware attacks include backdoors, a type of malware that allows cybercriminals to access a site without the owner’s knowledge, and cryptojacking, which mines websites for cryptocurrency without showing any symptoms. These attacks are increasingly common: in Q2 2018, 43 percent of infected websites had at least one backdoor file, and cryptojacking continues to rise in popularity, doubling from Q1 to Q2 2018. Once cybercriminals secretly enter your website, they can access your data, steal traffic, deploy phishing schemes, and more – and you may never even notice.
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