How to Use Your Router to Limit People's Internet Usage


How to Use Your Router to Limit People's Internet Usage



With a good Wi-Fi router, there are several ways to control internet access, both at home and at the office. Not only can you control who can access the internet from your router, you can also block websites, limit the hours of access, throttle bandwidth and even block rogue access points from hijacking your network. Although the administrative options on a router vary with different models and manufacturers, usually, the best place to start is to look for the router's parental controls. Yes, even routers designed for small businesses have parental controls, so controlling internet access at home is often the same as controlling it at work.

Accessing Admin Controls

Router control is accessed using the Administrative Panel of your router, which is available through a web browser, or an app issued by the manufacturer. Some Netgear routers, for example, can only use a mobile app, while Linksys business routers can usually be accessed by typing "" into a web browser connected to your network. Older routers can be accessed by typing the router's IP address in a web browser, such as "" or something similar.

How to Control Wi-Fi Usage

The best way to stop someone from accessing the internet through your Wi-Fi is to prevent them from logging in through your router. This begins by setting a strong password (i.e. long, with no discernible words in it) and WPA2 encryption. You can also disable SSID Broadcast, which stops your router from announcing itself to anyone searching for a signal.

A more time-consuming, but very effective, method is to block access to all devices except those you list in the router's access control settings. Computers, tablets and smartphones all have a unique identifier, which is hardwired into the device by the manufacturer. It's called the physical address, or MAC address.

This can be time consuming, if you have a lot of computers or a high-turnover of employees in your office. To find the physical address of a Windows PC, open the Command Prompt, type "ipconfig /all" and press Enter.

Enabling Guest Access

A common method of controlling use of your internet access is to first enable Guest access on the router. This is ideal for coffee shops or for any other business that may have many people using your Wi-Fi for short periods of time. Essentially, a guest network is a separate network that's made so you can set up restrictions for guests but that will not affect your employees.

For example, you can change the password daily or you can use other tools, such as throttling bandwidth to ensure that guests don't take advantage of your service. Employees, on their own network, would be unaffected. An added security benefit is that a guest network keeps employee computers inaccessible to your guests.

Enabling Internet Filters

If employees are spending too many hours on social media and on YouTube, you may want to consider blocking these websites on your router, if that option is available. You should also review your security options and look for internet filters that prevent anyone on the internet from trying to probe weaknesses in your network. For example, a common filter is to block Port 133 on the router from outside queries.

Restricting Hours of Usage

Most routers with parental controls give you an option to limit internet access to specific hours. If your company is open only during business hours, you may want to consider blocking all internet access at night and on weekends.

Throttling Bandwidth Usage

Throttling bandwidth usage doesn't prevent anyone from accessing the internet, but it does slow them down. If your router gives you this option, just drag the slider to an appropriate level. This may take some trial and error, so try the half-way mark and test it on a few websites and then adjust it, as needed. You should be able to access most websites quickly enough, but downloading movies or playing online video games will be much slower and more difficult to do.
